• وبلاگ : يادداشت‏هاي بدون ‏متن!
  • يادداشت : همه خواهيم مرد! (تبليغ)
  • نظرات : 1 خصوصي ، 6 عمومي
  • mp3 player شوکر

    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:
    + df 
    Divers fake watch are showing up everywhere, and you will discover that you are seeing them in the boardroom, at the gym, and even in the movies! This could significantly affect the result of the workout. The individual then would have to calculate their pace per mile by dividing the total time run/walked by the distance covered.5566